AFM-IR Microscope nanoIR3

Anasys/Bruker Nano nanoIR3

Anasys/Bruker Nano nanoIR3

The nanoIR3 is the latest generation nanoscale IR spectroscopy, chemical imaging, and property mapping system for both materials and life science applications. The system also provides IR-based chemical imaging to provide mapping of chemical variations of the feature of interest. Unique point spectroscopy capabilities provide both spectroscopy and chemical imaging with a single source.


  • Model free IR spectroscopy: reliable acquisition of nanoscale absorption data
  • Sub-10 nm Tapping AFM-IR: chemical mapping at the highest spatial resolution, high-quality IR spectroscopy.
  • HYPERspectra imaging
  • High-Performance monolayer sensitivity: the most sensitive technique for nanoscale spectroscopy of organic materials

Additional modalities:

nanoIR3 tapping mode- How it works?

nanoIR3_tapping Source: Centrone et al., Analyst, 2018, 143, 3808-3813, DOI:

Infrared Spectro/Microscopy beamline

Infrared Spectro/Microscopy beamline
